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Duration: A 5-year curriculum governed by the Bologna process
Annual quota: 32 students
Annual tuition fee: 10 000 EUR
Language: English
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Start of the programme: October 1


Based on success in high school: up to 250 points

Additional student achievements: National or international competitions (Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics)
up to 50 points

Based on success in state graduation exams:

Native Language (higher level)*,             ** up to points 50 points
Mathematics (higher level)                       * up to 200 points
Foreign Language (higher level)              * up to 50 points
Chemistry                                                      * up to 200 points
Biology                                                           *** up to 200 points

* It is not mandatory for enrolling in the study program for candidates who are not required to take the state graduation exam, but if the subject is taken at the state graduation exam, it brings points.

**Candidates from EU countries receive points for their native language on the national externally evaluated final exam instead of the Croatian language on the state graduation exam in the Republic of Croatia.

***It is not a requirement for study enrolment, but if the subject is taken at the state graduation exam, it brings points.

Candidates are required to submit a certificate of knowledge of the English language.

If the previous education was in English, a document (e.g. high school certificate, school report or testimonial etc.) has to be provided.
If the previous education was not in English one of the following certificates should be provided:

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Certificate in Advanced English (CAE). Certificates issued by foreign language schools are also accepted.
The minimum level of knowledge of the English language that candidates must have is B2.

The certificate/document should be sent by email to In the subject line, please include the title: Admissions - Pharmacy and candidate’s last name. Alternatively, you can send the certificate by registered post to the address: University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, A. Kovačića 1, 10000 Zagreb, stating “Admission - Pharmacy”
Deadline for sending the certificate of knowledge of the English language is July 1 2024.


Application and enrolment to the study programme is conducted according to the conditions of the Open call for the admission of students to undergraduate, integrated, and specialist undergraduate study programmes at the University of Zagreb in AY 2024/2025.

The procedure of applications to undergraduate and integrated study programme takes place via the National IT System of Applications to Higher Education Institutions (NISpVU), which can be accessed via the website.

Before applying candidates are urged to have a look at the web site for detailed instructions.

For any additional information about the process of application and sending of documents please contact Central Applications Office at email address

Candidates may apply for study programme on the web site, after logging in to the system with their user data, in the drop-down menu Moj odabir/Odaberi novi studijski program.

Go to the website
Choose the option Prijavi se (Register/Apply),
Apply with your user data (*you must register fist in order to obtain user data!),
Accept the terms by choosing the option on the left (bellow in the pop-up window),
Click on My odabir (My choice),
Click Odaberi novi studijski program (Choose the new study programme),
Find the study programm from the list,
Once you find it, click on Odaberi (choose) on the right, next to the name of the study programe you are interested in.

Applicants must go through the procedure of recognition and assessment of foreign high school qualifications. It is necessary to submit the Decision on the request for recognition, except in the case of automatic recognition of foreign educational qualifications on completed secondary education. The process of recognition of foreign educational qualifications on completed secondary education for the purpose of enrolment in undergraduate or integrated studies is carried out by the Agency for Science and Higher Education within the framework of the central application procedure.

More information can be found at

Some important deadlines:

For the recognition and assessment of foreign high school qualifications

May 30 - for candidates who finished their secondary education abroad before 2024

July 1 - for candidates who finished their secondary education abroad in 2024

Deadline for applications: July 17


The last day of applications for study programmes is 17.7.2024. until 1:59 PM.e

For more detailed information please contact and have a look at the calendar

The Faculty reserves the right not to conduct the study programme in case of small number of registered candidates. The notification will be published on the Faculty's website by July 15, 2024 at 12 pm.


